Once a blog system like WordPress is installed and configured on the server you can finally start writing. But it won't take you long to learn that ambitous text-formatting, the use of images and links and all those special elements are difficult and time-consuming to employ.
BlogDesk wants to make writing new weblog entries easier, faster and more pleasant. The WYSIWYG editor just works like your favorite word processor, no need to worry about those confusing HTML tags. Using images in your posts is a child's play and you can even publish simultaneously to multiple blogs.
The Blog Wizard will help you to create and configure new blogs. After that, using BlogDesk is as easy as it can be. Creating and editing weblog entries is similar to working with a word processor.
When a new posts are ready, you can publish them with a single click. Text and images will be uploaded automatically to the server and integrated in the blog system.